Agrotis ipsilon, Agrotis spp., Peridroma saucia, Chorizagrotis auxiliaris, and other species
Damage to plants
Stems of seedlings cut at ground level or slightly below the surface.
Holes in leaves and leaf margins removed, caused by feeding.
Cavities in the base of the stem due to feeding, resulting in plants prone to wilting and lodging.
Gaps in the maize stand, due to seedlings cut at the base of the stem.
Cavities in the lower stems of older plants.
Brownish-black larvae in the soil around damaged plants.
Wilting plants or entirely devoured plants.
Pearly white round eggs on plant stems or on ground around seedlings.
Worm frass (feces).
Factors favoring insects / pest development
Weedy conditions prior to planting and after crop emergence encourage build up of cutworms.
Presence of alternate hosts.
Planting maize in rotation with other host crops such as soybean and rye.
Geographic distribution
Worldwide distribution.