Diatraea saccharalis
Damage to plants
- ‘Pinhole’ feeding damage and perforations on leaves unfolding from the whorl.
- Damage to the growing point of young maize plants causing unfolding leaves to wilt, die and turn white, symptoms commonly referred to as ‘dead heart’.
- Damage to the growing point also results in stunted growth or plant death.
- Severe boring of the stems weakens plants leading to crop lodging and interference with water and nutrient translocation.
- Boring in the ears, resulting in kernel damage and increased vulnerability to ear rots.
- Perforations on leaves emerging from the whorl.
- Dead heart.
- Lodging.
- Stems, midribs, tassels and ears riddled with tunnels as a result of larval boring.
Factors favoring insects / pest development
- Warm temperatures and light rainfall favor pest survival and development.
- Reduced tillage agriculture enables the pest to over winter in infested crop debris.
- Lack of natural predators.
Geographic distribution
- Diatraea genus is associated with the Gramineae of the Americas.
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