Field Observations

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Farmer's name:
Is the crop uniform? (Yes/No)
If not, what percent of the crop area is affected?
General crop observations:
Crop rotation?
Variety planted and growth duration?
Date planted?
Crop stage?
How planted (and seed rate or transplanting pattern used)?
Seed source (own, certified, etc.)?
Is land preparation adequate?
Is the field level?
Are there missing plants?
Are plants lodged?
Are there enough green leaves?
Is groundcover adequate for the crop stage?
Are there differences in crop maturity/stage?
Are there differences in plant height?
Are pests or weeds apparent?
Soil moisture (wet, dry, too wet, too dry)?
In problem areas, what are the symptoms?
Is there a field pattern to the damage?
Plant part affected? (Root, stem, leaves, ear, whole plant)
Draw affected plant part(s) and describe symptom(s)
Where on the plant part is the symptom?
Plant color
Spot or lesion?
Shape & color?
Land preparation & leveling how, when
Nutrient management how, when
Insect management how, when
Water management how, when
Weed management - how, when
Disease management - how, when
Suspected priority problems
Has the farmer noted anything different this season?
Highest regional yields
Farmers expected yield
Credit, Labor and input availability
Significance of wheat in household economy
What does the farmer see as the biggest problem?