Stenocarpella macrospora, syn. Diplodia macrospora
Nature of damage
- This disease has not been reported to cause economic damage, but causes some damage in commercial maize plantings.
- Stenocarpella macrospora is mostly an ear-rotting agent, but under appropriate climatic conditions can cause foliar damage.
- Symptoms consist of necrotic lesions along the veins. These lesions resemble spotting produced by bacteria or by Exserohilum turcicum (leaf blight).
- When held against the light, S. macrospora lesions exhibit a distinct narrow yellow margin not present in lesions caused by other pathogens.
- Under humid conditions, the black, spore-producing pycnidia formed in the necrotic lesions ooze spores in fine black threads and the lesion splits.
Geographic distribution
- Found in hot, humid areas.
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