Teleomorph: Cochiliobolus heterostrophus
(Anamorph: Bipolaris maydis, syn. Helminthosporium maydis)
Nature of damage
- Damage is caused by loss of photosynthetic leaf area, due to foliar lesions which reduce photosynthate production for grain filling.
- Further damage is caused by lodging, which occurs when plants divert sugars from the stalks for grain filling during severe disease pressure.
- Young lesions are small and diamond shaped. As they mature, they elongate.
- Growth is limited by adjacent veins, so final lesion shape is rectangular and 2 to 3 cm long.
- Lesions may coalesce, producing a complete burning of large areas of the leaves.
Factors favoring development
- Continuous maize cultivation.
- Conditions favorable to the overwintering of fungi in infected crop debris.
Geographic distribution
- Maydis leaf blight is found in all tropical and temperate maize growing regions where the growing season is characterized by warm and wet conditions.
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